The Celtic Festival of Lughnasa
The Celtic festival of Lughnasa, also known as Lughnasadh or Lammas, is a traditional harvest festival that has been ...
The Sacred Trees of the Celts
Trees were of great significance to the ancient Celts. Their roots and branches were thought to represent the links b...
The Celtic Festival of Beltane
Beltane is the Celtic May Day festival celebrated on the first of May. It was considered an important festival in the...
Bradan, The Salmon of Knowledge
This story, told round many firesides, reminds us of the power of knowledge to transform our lives. Fionn's newfound ...
The Spring Equinox
The ancient Celts believed that the equinox was a time of balance and harmony in the natural world. It marked the mid...
World Poetry Day
On World Poetry Day, March 21st we look at poetry and its importance to the Ancient Celts.
Saint Patrick's Day
The famous patron saint of Ireland, Patrick was a missionary in the fifth century. Saint Patrick's Day falls on the 1...
Women in Celtic Myths and Legends
We are marking International Women's Day by taking a look at some of the famous female characters that feature in Cel...
The Symbols and Traditions of Wedding Anniversaries
When it comes to wedding anniversaries, each year is associated with a specific material that symbolises the mileston...
The Celtic Festival of Imbolc
The Celtic festival of Imbolc is traditionally celebrated on the first of February through to sunset on the second. ...
Lost Wax Bronze Casting
Casting bronze using the lost wax method is an ancient practice. Also known as "cire perdu", some of the earliest ex...
The Winter Solstice
The winter solstice marks the shortest day and longest night of the year and is celebrated in many cultures throughou...