Saint Brigid and The Celtic Festival of Imbolc

The Celtic festival of Imbolc is traditionally celebrated on the first of February through to sunset on the second. Falling between the winter solstice and the spring equinox, Imbolc marks the halfway point in the dark side of the year and welcomes the start of Spring. It is a celebration filled with hope for the longer, brighter days ahead. 

Imbolc is the feast day of Brigid or Brigit, the Celtic goddess of health, fertility, poetry, prophecy, learning, hearth fire and smithcraft. Brigid features in many Irish myths and legends. She was said to have been a daughter of The Daghda, the wife of Bres, the mother of Ruadan and stories often tell of her having two sisters. 

The name itself, "Imbolc" is said to be derived from the old Irish for "in the belly" or "ewe's milk" and it marked the time of year when the milking of the ewes would start. Rituals involved in celebrating Imbolc included lighting fires to symbolise the growing strength of the sun after months of cold and darkness.

St Brigid of Kildare was a nun and abbess who lived before St Patrick. She was born in Leinster around 450 and is the only female patron saint of Ireland. St Brigid is known for her acts of charity, her healing abilities, and her role as a protector of women and children. Some think that St Brigid of Kildare and Brigid the aforementioned goddess are one and the same, adapted by missionaries to bridge the gap between Christianity and paganism. The St Brigid's cross, a symbol of good fortune mainly made of woven straw or rushes, would traditionally be displayed in doorways, on windowsills or in animal sheds on the evening of 31st January. Some would hang out a piece of cloth, ribbon or cake of bread. Saint Brigid would bless these items as she passed by, thus providing protection for the year ahead. 

The Celtic festival of Imbolc and Saint Brigid's Day have deep roots in Celtic culture and are still observed by many people today. It's a festival rich in history and traditions like storytelling. Ancient myths and legends are shared, often accompanied by music and dance, celebrating hope, the return of light and the awakening of the earth after the long winter months. Brigid is one of Ireland's three national saints, along with Saint Patrick and Saint Columba.

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