Saint Patrick's Day
The famous patron saint of Ireland, Patrick was a missionary in the fifth century. Saint Patrick's Day falls on the 1...
Women in Celtic Myths and Legends
We are marking International Women's Day by taking a look at some of the famous female characters that feature in Cel...
Bradan, The Salmon of Knowledge
This story, told round many firesides, reminds us of the power of knowledge to transform our lives. Fionn's newfound ...
World Poetry Day
On World Poetry Day, March 21st we look at poetry and its importance to the Ancient Celts.
March Hares
The hare features in many Celtic stories, handed down from generation to generation. It was a sacred and mystical ani...
Birds in Celtic Mythology
Fiacc is Irish for raven and our limited edition Mallon bronze sculptures were inspired by the raven in the tragic Ir...
Melangell and the Hare
The hare was a sacred animal for the Celts, a symbol of abundance, prosperity and good fortune. Our latest hare sculp...
Bronze Legends: The Creation and Casting of a Sculpture
The Bronze Legend Collection of sculptures by Charlie Mallon is inspired by the symbols and stories of the Ancient Ce...
The Boar of Ben Gulbain
Boars were symbols of strength and wealth to the ancient Celts. Symbols of battle on helmets and shields often featu...
Horses in Celtic Mythology
Horses were much admired by the Celts and feature throughout many of the ancient stories handed down from one gene...
Bronze Patination
A material of war and art, bronze has been used for thousands of years to depict life, spirit and worship. Patination...