The Recovery of the Tain

Price £1,650.00
Bronze sculpture of an Ogham Stone by Charlie Mallon, packaged in wooden box with a handmade Irish linen bag.
Standing stones are found throughout the Celtic nations, they often have Ogham script, one of the oldest forms of writing which in most cases translates to names.
‘The Recovery of the Tain’ from the Book of Leinster (ca 1160) is a story about storytelling, it’s importance to the Irish people and the dangers of celebrity.
The main character is Fergus, whose ghost appears by an Ogham stone. Fergus in old Irish is Vergoso, which is written from bottom to top along the edge of the stone, it means ‘strength’.
If you would like more information please contact
Charlie +44 (0) 7899913537
Helen +44 (0) 7712880775